Her Journey; Meet…..
Lisa S. Lynch, Certified Massage Therapist
Mana Lomi (R) Massage and Holistic Health Practitioner
Lisa S. Lynch of Holistic Happiness - a professional Rutland massage therapy practice focusing in Mana Lomi (R) Massage and Wellness – serves people who seek complementary healing. Holistic Happiness comes from a balanced lifestyle of body, mind and spirit modalities for healing. Years ago I found myself looking at three words that I wanted to study: Education, Society, Environment (physical & spiritual). Through working in Mana Lomi (R), I have found all three large topics are enter-twined in this Hawaiian massage style.
In healing, the body needs the best environment to do its job naturally.
Do take care to: Think Well, Eat Well, Breathe Well and Move Well.
You Will BE WELL.
What People Are Saying
Lisa Walker, a horse farrier, talks about her PEAK Method experienced outcome.
I had an amazing experience .... It was relaxing and invigorating all at the same time.
. ..makes my whole body feel like it’s doing what it’s supposed to, and fluffy like a blanket ..after a nice warm fluff cycle
she has a Zen like touch
after this massage I can sit or lay down any way I want and not feel my usual pain
Awards I’ve Won
I received an award for helping individuals self-advocate
I was a member of a Resident's Committee for a number of years
I have awards from Channel 15 Public Access station, 1993 & 94

Wellness comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.
To Start Your Journey
Use this link to schedule without all the getting back and forth with each other.