Mana Lomi (R) Massage
Health Benefits For YOU
Massage, Reiki and other Holistic Health Services
Are you dealing with Pain, a Disease, Autoimmune, Inflammation, Daily Stress or Anxiety?
The Services Tab has a list of Holistic Health options.
Distance Healing/Reiki, Energy Work, is wonderful at enhancing and increasing a number of beneficial processes and functions within the human body.
Energy Work can enhance ones state of well being and mood
Energy Work can bring awarness of Your Energy
Energy Work can bring relaxation and calmness
Energy Work is Covid-19 friendly
Energy Work can bring Peace that may last for some time after the session
Energy Work may offer Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual Healing
Far InfraRed mat can offer detoxing through negative ions and deep heat.
Similarly, therapeutic massage is extremely effective at reducing and often eliminating a number of uncomfortable and restrictive symptoms and conditions.
Massage can increase muscle tone, blood flow, dopamine, and serotonin
Massage can increase and improves lymphatic fluid flow & drainage
Massage can induce relaxation and stimulates the immune system
Massage can reduce constipation, cortisol levels , depression
Massage can increase flexibility & range of motion
Massage can reduce emotional stress, joint stiffness, muscular tension
Massage can reduce pain and scar tissue formation
Massage can reduce soft tissue knots and trigger points
What to expect in a Distance Healing session. click left
What to expect in a Massage session. click left
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