What people are saying about Distance Healing.

“So, I was a non believer in Distance Healing but I have to admit something did happen. I did feel a presence, a calming feeling, a time out. Would I do it again? Yes.” - Lorene Henner

“My Distance Healing began with Lisa’s gentle calming voice as she explained the process. She showed her massage table adorned with corresponding chakra colored stones and crystals as she reviewed. I felt instantly able to trust and closed my eyes. She did a blessing and moved me into my body, feeling grounded followed by loved. I see colors when I receive healings and butter cream yellows were everywhere. To me this means I am giving and receiving the universal energy of love. I lost time and came back to the present with her calming voice thanking me and the tone of a singing bowl. The gift of light body energy reignites when I think of her. “

  • Jodie Brileya


“During this last session, you intuitively knew where to place your hands. You knew what stones might enhance the experience. And you felt drawn to do massage work on the parts of my physical body that need work, even though I was not physically there. With your knowledge of the body and energy, and from the blissful feeling I am experiencing now after the session, I know it might be a while until I fully understand and appreciate everything that happened.”

To sum it up, I feel like you make the client feel safe and have an energetic meeting of the minds where you meet the client where she or he is at and allow whatever healing that needs to take place the time and space occur. Yes, your clients will get a relaxing experience, but they will leave with so much more!
— William Kelley

I would say, I myself am particularly sensitive to vibrational sources and so as you were working on me and sending me Distance Healing, I was watching you on the computer, and I could feel when you were over certain areas, tingling, and I do know that I came away from the experience more relaxed and calm, with a validation of things I had been already thinking and feeling. I find it very cool, that even though we are not in the same room, when you would tune in, we attune to each other, in person or thousand miles away, amazing things can happen, I highly recommend Distance Healing, especially in this corona virus pandemic craziness.”

— Traci Nickerson